The Discseel® Procedure

The first step to determining if the Discseel® Procedure can help you relieve your chronic back pain is to complete our patient application.
Dr. Terebuh will review your application and any medical imaging of your spine that you provided. A patient advocate will reach out to answer any questions and to schedule your one on one consultation with Dr. Terebuh at their Ohio office

One-on-One Consultation

During your in-person consultation, Dr. Terebuh will go over your pain symptoms, any previous tests or procedures you have had, and your goals for life after the procedure. This is the time to get the answers other doctors haven’t been able to provide. Dr. Terebuh will then walk you through the procedure and go over what to expect up to, during, and after the procedure.

Have An Annulogram Performed

An Annulogram is a test that provides Dr. Terebuh with more detailed imaging than what is possible with an MRI. While an MRI can identify bulges and disc degeneration, it lacks the detail to identify tears in the disc. Often patients will have spinal surgeries such as fusions and discectomies, which fail to actually correct the issue that is the source your pain. This is the main reason for such a high failure rate for spinal fusions and why, here at Regenerative Spine & Joint Center, Dr. Terebuh performs an Annulogram immediately before the Discseel® Procedure.

Receive Treatment

The day is finally here, Dr. Terebuh is going to perform the minimally invasive Discseel® Procedure on your spinal discs. During the procedure, he will inject the biologic called Fibrin into your damaged disc. Fibrin is an FDA approved human biologic that is found in human blood. When the fibrin is introduced to the damaged disc, it will seal the annular tear that is leaking inner gel from the annulus. Due to Fibrin’s inherent ability to promote tissue growth, your damaged disc will start to grow in height and in some cases it will return to it’s normal height. The entire Discseel® Procedure is performed with image-guided assistance to ensure accuracy and improve patient success. The procedure itself takes approximately 45 minutes and is performed in an out-patient facility.

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Up And Moving Within 24 Hours

The recovery process is simple and fast. After the Discseel® Procedure, most patients are walking in the next 24 hours. You may experience mild and temporary discomfort, which is to be expected and is normal. The second your physician injects the fibrin into the damaged disc and your disc is sealed, the healing process begins. The fibrin will continue to promote growth in the damaged disc for the next 12 months. On day two, you can start walking, while avoiding bending and twisting. After this, we encourage a gradual progression in duration and distance of walking as you feel better. Post-op instructions will be provided on the day of the procedure.
